If you've purchased a car that is not from Alberta, then you'll need to undergo an Out of Province Vehicle Inspection. Edmonton automotive shops provide vehicle inspections that bring you one step closer to registering your car in Alberta. The registration office will not allow you to permit registration of your new vehicle or truck until it's completed the Out of Province Vehicle Safety Inspection and has the appropriate documents.
It's required due to Alberta Transportation's standards of safety differ from those of other provinces. In the end, inspections are essential in order to protect all who travel on the roads.
Inspections are a simple safety and mechanical assessment performed by a qualified journeyman mechanic who is authorized by Alberta Transportation's Vehicle Inspection Program. It takes approximately two hours to complete the inspection and involves almost all components of a vehicle, including:
Surprisingly enough, the top reason why vehicles fail Out of Province Vehicle Safety Inspections are typically not significant mechanical problems and are fairly simple to correct. Before you bring your vehicle in for inspection, there are some things you can do yourself.
Poor windshield wipers are sufficient reason to fail an inspection. Although it may seem minor, it could be a risk to your security. If your blades for your windshield aren't performing well, are damaged, or have obvious chips or tears, replace them with new blades prior to bringing your vehicle in.
Simply changing a headlamp could make the difference between passing and failing. Take a walk around the car with the lights turned on, and then have someone turn on your indicators as well as hazard lights. Then apply the brake. You can change the lights for a reasonable price and quickly prior to the vehicle inspection outside of the province.
The cost of replacing your windshield isn't the same price as wipers and lights, but if the glass is damaged, the car will not be able to pass the test.
If your shoes or brake pads are overdue for maintenance and are worn out to a point, your car could fail to pass the inspection. It is essential to operate safely in a motor vehicle. Our highly trained and experienced technicians can quickly repair and replace the brakes in your vehicle.
In the event that the tires of your vehicle are worn down to a minimum thread, they will not get through an out-of-province inspection. We can provide a choice of tires and even fit them if your vehicle requires them.
There's an issue. You don't even know why! We can run a diagnostic to help you determine the cause. As you will not be able to tell if the problem is severe or mild until you run the diagnostic, so we won't be able to drive the vehicle when that light is illuminated.